Sunday, June 10, 2007

Money and wealth Magnets - Rings and Talismans

Money and wealth magnets

Our money and wealth magnets are rings and talismens that have been ritualized and charged inside a spelled bound pentagram box.

This White Magic Money Magnet Pentagram Charging Box draws Wealth and Abundance to its possessor! Its Powerful Magic is strong enough to charge ordinary items turning them into Powerful Talismans that will bring you Good Money Luck! The Moonstone set in the center of the Pentagram is a Perfect Portal for Strong White Wealth Magic. Talisman charged and ritualized in this box also guaranty that the riches you gain will be protected and used wisely!

The pentagram has long been used to bring about abundance and riches. In addition there are several rituals that have been used to increase the layering and therfore also the stregnth of the magnetism in the rings and talismen.

Today it is understood that wealth and abundance is the right of everyone.
Get all you deserve with these powerful talismans.

1 comment:

Ngabwe austine Wisley said...

Just wanted to know how much does it cost the wealth magnets are rings and talisman. I do need one please let me know ,I am living in Nairobi bi Kenya. my address is
looking forward

We will be carrying a line of unique Mustikas/bezoar pearls in the very near future so check back often.
We are still cataloging our items so please stop by frequently to see more powerful and authentic magickal items.


All our items are authentic. We stand behind them all.