Sunday, June 10, 2007

The great GENIE invokation

This is a very powerful GENIE INVOCATION.

The Ruhani Genie will appear on the same day you do the invocation.

As you complete the prayer the genie will appear and will be in your command and make you rich in a moments notice.

Once the GENIE is evoked he will be in the command of the master who has evoked him forever. The master will be able to see him even though he will remain unseen before others.

He will travel with you where you go and do whatever you ask of him. He will be very friendly with you and never twist your words nor harm you.

His only goal in your relationship is to bring blessings into your life and increase your fortune. The more good he brings into the life of his master, the higher level he can achieve in his realm - therefore it is in his interest to do good for you.

Ther are so many wonders that are in the powers of a high level GENIE that it would be able to fill volumes if they were stated, however below are listed just a few.

Protection: He will protect the master on journeys from dangers, accidents and black magic, spells, ghosts, evil spirits, enemies, devils, demons, not even a bullet can touch master. If anybody tries to do any evil thing to do master or enemies try to attack the master he will destroy them and protect the master.

Travel: He can fly from one end of the world to another just in seconds.

Knowledge: He can tell you about the hidden secrets of the highest mountain and the deepest seas.

Solver of problems: He can solve problems that you are unable to find a solution to. He can give the medicinal cure of any kind of disease.

Premonition: He can tell you about the things that are going to happen in future

Wealth and riches: He can tell you the hidden places were the treasure is hidden and bring it for you.

If anybody is lost HE can tell you were that person is.

Love: You can conquer the love of any person you desire.

The person holding the GENIE becomes very powerful a great spiritualist.

Students can get the examination papers before exams and can pass with very good marks.

He can tell you the correct winning numbers of the games of stakes so that you can win any kind of lottos, pools.

GENIE will do anything that the master tells him to do just in moments

The cost of this MYSTIC POWER is US$ 150



Unknown said...

Hi I tried emailing you about the Genie invocation last night but I have not received a answer yet maybe your busy.I wanted to know how many words are there to say with this invocation and are the words hard to say I would like to know.Please let me know when you can thanks.

Unknown said...

Hi I am still awaiting your reply.I am looking forward of purchasing magical items and the GENIE invocation. i am very excited to have come across this website its unlike the other websites that i have come across that have Genie invocations.The other Websites never mention anything about using the pentagram for there invocations of Genies.This website seems good and i hope to hear from you soon thanks.

Unknown said...

Hi i have tried contacting you about the genie invocation but i have not heard from you.Is this invocation hard to say the words and how many words are there to say.This is my 3rd post here i hope you will respond soon. But i do have Good faith that you will respond soon because you know what they say the 3rd times a charm.I hope you respond soon,i will continue to wait for your reply.

Unknown said...

Hey hey hey I am here again - Hi can you let me know information on the genie invocation thanks.

We will be carrying a line of unique Mustikas/bezoar pearls in the very near future so check back often.
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